Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wonders in the world Collection weird stuff !!!

  • Various ways of channeling his hobby, which is collecting paintings, porcelain, jewels, numistik, stamps, and other so on.Here be pared things eccentric, strange, unique and rare gem collections in the world, ancient coins, and stamps numistik and knick-other trinkets.

    Here also will be discussed on a hobby that sometimes could also bring fortune and fame and fortune because of its rarity and uniqueness as has been done by adventurer and collector Robert Ripley Ripley meseum owners Believe it or not ? And although he was deceased but during his lifetime he had ever tasted heyday as a collector of curiosities and not common in the world,Of course a positive hobby that in addition to the fun he can channel can also be a wealth of tersebut.dan thing if you want to try to please you can join here, try and try your luck you and your hobby here.

    • You see photos of the picture above, it is a picture of the Virgin Mary on a piece of cheese that is baked and produce facial images "Virgin Mary" and the owner then difhoto and auctioned on, and you want to know how the proceeds? Fantasis piece of cheese image face "Mother Mary" priced at $ 28,000,00, - (twenty eight thousand U.S. dollars), the majority then proceeds donated for charitable, but that's what happens anehkan miracle can happen in the world collection-collect.

      • And try to imagine what the price of a painting that was painted by the maestro Leonardo Da Vinci in the media fabric canvas titled "Mona Lisa" is now in Paris, France, and if you are a owner of course you do not need to work all your life aliases retire early and enjoy your life, ha ... ha .. ha ... !!!

        • And this is one example of a hobby that can bring in wealth, and the author felt it was a natural thing a gemstone painted by God rewarded with a price like that, a piece of grilled cheese with pictures "Our Lady face Maria " wrote could be valued USD 28,000,00,- of course its not permanent and instant, and if a gemstone painted by God it is through the process of geology millions of years to be produced a pictorial stones with excellent quality, unique, strange, rare and extraordinary artistic.

        • And if we value the work of the Lord with the high price it is fear and commonplace, in addition to our hobby we actually

          we draw closer to the Lord, remind us of the greatness, power, glory and almighty God everything.

          And the following is a natural gemstone painted by God and should be a reference for you to be consideration for collection and investment.

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